Loop Turner Hemline for buttons rouleau spaghetti straps H275
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Loop Turner Hemline for buttons rouleau spaghetti straps H275
This dressmakers loop turner tool is supplied in original packaging. Manufactured by Hemline (a British company). This handy sewing aid is often used to make dainty button loops, turning tubes of fabric, spaghetti shoulder straps, string belts, Chinese ball buttons, elegant lingerie straps, frog closures, and fine lengths of rouleau. Instructions provided on packaging. We also sell Whitecroft loop turners, tailors awls, cotton twill tape, ric rac braid, bias binding, and press snap fasteners. A loop turner is, quite simply, a long wire with a very small latch hook at one end. If you have managed to lose a length of elastic or cord whilst threading through a piece of fabric tubing, or waistband casing, then a loop turner may be used to retrieve it. Product for adult use only. This is a super handy gadget for your sewing box